10 Questions with Post Rome


Gan On’s Lucy Shields sat down with Post Rome to talk inspiration, musical memories, and dream gigs.

LS: Who are Post Rome?

PR: Ben, Jamie, Elliot and Steven – Individually, just 4 lads from the North East. But together, we’re a unit of catchy hooks and arena anthems.

LS: Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

PR: To keep it local, our biggest inspiration was a local band called Far Pacific, the lead singer Patrick Gosling plays under his own name now and is still amazing. He was our introduction to how people from our area really could write phenomenal songs and create something bigger than ourselves.

LS: How did you start making music?

PR: We started as awkward teenagers with no other hobbies, sharing ideas in a grotty practice room. We’ve always been obsessed.

LS: What have the band been up to recently?

PR: We’ve just been releasing tunes and gigging as much as possible. It’s been our most productive year. Our latest single ‘Don’t drown me out’ was released before we played Waves Festival.

LS: What is your earliest musical memory?

PR: Seeing any band on the TV and wanting to be in that number.

LS: What kind of people do you want listening to your music?

PR: We’ll take anyone who’ll have us. But if you like dark gritty sounds alongside nice melodies and big beats, we’re your guys.

LS: What is the band’s dream gig line up and why?

PR: This answer would change by the hour. Right now it would be ourselves opening for Noah Kahan, just so we could meet him.

LS: Where do you see yourself in 2 years?

PR: Bigger stages with newer material.

LS: What have you got coming up in the future?

PR: We have a gig on the 16th of December at Independent (Sunderland) opening for the brilliant Swindled.

LS: Who is your favourite local artist and why?

PR: We’ve already shouted out Patrick Gosling so let’s say NoYou. They have such an amazing sound and great stage presence.

Keep up with all things Post Rome via their Instagram, and follow them on Spotify.

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