10 Questions with Sølstice


Who are Sølstice?

”We aren’t exactly sure. However, we have been described as an “eclectic group of stoners”

Who is your biggest inspiration & why?

We’ve never really had a “biggest inspiration” a lot of our inspiration comes from the stuff we endure in our day to day lives & past events that have made us who we are today.

How did you start making music?

Some of the band were born into it having parents as musicians & the others found their musical journey later on in life. Tia (singer) dropped me a dm about starting the band & it went from there!

What have the band been up to lately?

This past year we’ve worked on building some great original songs & a good setlist. Over the summer we were busy doing shows. Our last show we played a town hall in London & it was honestly surreal for all of us, definitely an achievement in our eyes. When winter came along we all began working on some demos as we’d all like to release something by summer 2024.

What is your earliest musical memory?

This one comes from Bailey our Lead Guitarist “I think the earliest musical memory I have is probably when my Dad gave me my first guitar & said “you have 3 days to learn some tunes. We’re going busking down the coast!”

What kind of people do you want to listen to your music?

We’d be happy if anyone listened to our music to be honest. I think fans of the likes of Mac DeMarco & Peach Pit would probably get a groove out of us but in all honesty when we talk about comparing ourselves to other artists we fall down the sink because every song is different. We like to switch it up.

What is the bands dream line up & why?

We as a group have a completely different taste in music… I think the dream line up would have to include Peach Pit, PPC, Hozier, Noah Kahan but the list could be endless knowing us.

What have you got coming up in the future?

We are hoping to branch out towards Newcastle & the surrounding areas in the new year but for now the plan is to work on originals & keep working on demos too!

Who is your favourite local artist & why?

Our favourite local artist would have to be Fire Lady Luck. We’ve known them for quite sometime & our vocalists even featured in their latest music video “Can You Hear Me?” Awesome band, awesome music & we’re really looking forward to supporting them on the 2nd of December at The Bunker CIC!

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