10 Questions with Divine Image


Who are Divine Image?

We are a Metal/Hardcore band from Sunderland, consisting of members Joseph Whatcott (Vocals), Connell Donoghue (Vocals), Adam Crookes (Bass and backing vocals), Seth Bromage (Lead Guitar), Logan Wilkinson (Rhythm Guitar) and Matty Hutchinson (Drums) 

Who are your biggest inspirations?

  • Seth- Bands like Polaris, ERRA, Northlane and Monuments- “As a guitarist the technical riffs and leads just sound perfect to me and I want to replicate that” 
  • Matty- Jimmy ‘The Rev’ Sullivan (Avenged Sevenfold)- “He inspired me to play the drums and from a technical standpoint his playing is nutty”
  • Joseph- “Biggest Inspos for me personally, especially vocally, black metal and old school metalcore, bands like Baalberith, Since my Beloved, Balmora, Spear of Cassius and With Resistance”
  • Logan- “Realistically my biggest inspiration is Badflower as a band because they set off my interest in playing music. I’ve had other influences such as Jack White, The Used, and Grandson for my guitar playing and own style of music”
  • Connell- Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden), Jason Evans (Ingested) and Adam Dutkiewicz (Killswitch Engage)- “All of them have unreal stage presence and incredible vocals, both clean and harsh” 
  • Adam- “Well, I’ve dabbled in absolutely every genre you can think of, I have two sides, I love my thrashy hair metal; Pantera, Motley Crue, and then I have my sensitive side per-say; atmosphere black-metal, doom-metal and blackened death metal. I live for that stuff, Woods of Desolation, Worm, Sadness. And I guess that all accumulated to make the noise that is Divine Image.”

How did you start making music?

We were originally put together as part of Sunday band club sessions at The Bunker, till eventually we expanded ourselves and formed the band as it is today, wanting to create our own music and differentiate from others. 

What have the band been up to recently?

This year we managed to release both a single, entitled ‘The Unseen’, as well as a 6 track EP entitled ‘Sectioned’. In recent weeks we recently played the Brand-New Club at Independent after we had a member change and debuted the first song written by him for the band entitled ‘Lesser Morality’. 

What is your earliest musical memory?

Collectively all of us remember the first time we performed on stage, weather it be from the beginning or with new members.

Who do you want to listen to your music?

  • Seth- “Since we have elements from multiple genres, people who listen to a wide range of metal genres” 
  • Matty- “Chill people and metal folk” 
  • Joseph- “I want everyone to listen to Divine Image if they like us and they’re sound” 
  • Logan- “Literally everyone, that would be amazing” 
  • Connell- “Anyone is welcome to listen to us regardless of their musical background” 
  • Adam- “We get new people at our shows pretty much every time, and we love it. We love expressing ourselves to new people all the time. But if you have a liking into any genre of metal or even any genre for that matter, you should definitely come check us out”

What is the bands dream gig lineup and why?

  • Seth- (Coming from a metalcore guitarist)- Bullet for My Valentine- Favourite band of all time, Polaris- Biggest musical inspiration when writing, Trivium- Matt Heafy sounds like a very nice guy 
  • Matty- Speed, Fit for An Autopsy, Mom Jeans and Knocked Loose 
  • Joseph- My Dying Bride, Worm, Tomb Mold and Gatecreeper
  • Logan- The Used, Asking Alexandria, Nightwish and Bullet for My Valentine 
  • Connell- Iron Maiden, Killswitch Engage, System of A Down, Napalm Death and Ingested 
  • Adam- “To be completely honest, even if we tried, could not fit every single artist we wanted on one bill. It would not end. But personally I would love to support/play alongside Woods of Desolation or Worm” 

Where do you see yourself in 2 years?

Hopefully being able to compete in Bloodstock Festivals’ Metal 2 The Masses competition and hopefully get more well known outside our local area 

What have you got coming up in the future?

One gig we are particularly excited for next year in August is Get Heavy Fest 2024, featuring other artists such as Erebor, Dystopian Sun and Catalysis, organised by local metal twitch streamer and promoter Steven Cummings (known as Beardbo Baggins). In terms of releases, we have a lot on our radar we want to get out there, changing our direction and sound to something more… ambitious we’ll say. 

Who is your favourite local artist and why? 

  • Seth- Collapse of Colour- “Metalcore of a high standard” 
  • Matty- Erebor- “F**kin cool ass music from cool ass people”
  • Joseph- Bloodfury- “They’re hard as f*ck no questions asked”
  • Logan- Thieves of Liberty- “Honestly because I love their style and I personally known two of them and they are class (and the rest of the band of course” 
  • Connell- Negatives- “They are absolute boyos and their music is heavy, catchy and perfect for moshing, headbanging or throwing shapes all in one package, you won’t catch me standing still at any point at any of their shows”
  • Adam- “At the moment, I’m in love with Durham’s Jam Tub. True, North East alternative. I definitely recommend attending one of their shows, love them.” 

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