10 Questions with Sonic Void


Sonic Void are set to headline the Bunker on the 9th of December along side the Larches and Empty Accents

Who are Sonic void? 

We’re an alt rock band from Sunderland. Well, I’m from Sunderland. The rest of us are not. So we tend to be based in Sunderland, though we practice here so it’s like our second home. 

We’ve got Dominic on guitar. We’ve got Dave on drums and we’ve got Jamie #2 on bass and me, Jamie on vocals. It’s pretty much. In terms of Members, yeah, that’s the whole shebang. 

Who are your biggest inspirations and why? 

That’s a really interesting question because we all have such different inspirations. We’ve got Jamie and Dominic, who are quite inspired by like the heavier side of stuff. Jamie’s quite into like metal, symphonic metal, that kind of thing. Dominic’s more into just general metal. Yeah, we’ve got Dave who likes the kind of pop, punk, indie kind of stuff and me who likes weird electronic experimental stuff, so yeah, that’s why we kind of met in the middle and we’re like, we’ll just do alt rock, you know, to have somewhere in the middle of everything. 

How did you start making music? 

We started making music that first started out as a solo project, to be honest. And I used to write kind of electronic tracks. And then I was like, I’m not gonna get anywhere if I can’t do it live. So, I was like, does anybody want to form a band around this, you know, and? And then it suddenly became completely different to what it used to be. So that’s where it started out.  

What have you been up to recently? 

OK, it’s been quite a complicated one. Recently actually cause. The original guitarist that we formed the band with sadly passed away and so we’ve recently just got back into things and we’ve we were auditioning new guitarists at the beginning of the year and then since then I’ve just been kind of catching up on the set list and. The songs trying to make sure that he knows of everything and that he’s ready for performance and then now we’re doing our first performance. 

 Earliest musical memory? 

Earliest musical memory. Hey, I don’t have a lot of memories about mine. Things just happen and then something else happens. It gets pushed out. God, that’s a hard one. Probably do in youth musical theatre. I used to love doing theatre. 

What kind of people do you want to listen to your music? 

I don’t know. Just anybody, like, I don’t really think there’s any artists that we. That I know of anyway, that we sound like but like, that’s not to say that we’re a unique sounding band because we’re just, we sound like all rock so. So now I’m not sure. Be honest. It’s a difficult one to think about. 

What’s the band’s dream gig?  

Hmm. Probs, and it’s not even remotely the kind of music that we play, but I would love to kind of play with Marina from Marina and the diamonds like used to be Marina and the diamonds, and I’d love to play with Allie X as. But I don’t think we’re the type of music that would gel well with those with their music so I can’t speak for the other members of the band, obviously they’ve probably got their own dream line ups that they would love to play with props in terms of rock. Love to play with the kind of Epica, Nightwish, that kind of stuff. 

Where do you see yourself in two years? 

Well, we’re planning on doing some more recordings next year, so hopefully getting some recordings out, maybe getting an EP together, actually starting to kick start the ball rolling and get things. Moving a bit more. 

What have you got coming up in the near future? 

Recording. Yeah, recording. We’re gonna write some new tracks as well. Extend the set list a bit. We did have, like, 18 tracks at some point, but then that was back when we used to have, like, me, playing the piano as well as singing, which we kind of got rid of because I like to have some space to do stuff. When I’m on stage, rather than just like sitting there doing nothing. 

And who’s your favourite local artist and why? 

That’s a really difficult one actually. I love loads of local artists. The three main ones, uh, there’s a liberty. Patrick Gosling, obviously and I love No You as well. Those are like my top three for sure. 

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