10 Questions with: Cast In Tephra


Cast In Tephra play The Bunker on 17/11/23 with Morrow’s Massacre and Sorrow. Doors are 7pm. Tickets are £6.

Who are Cast In Tephra?

Cast in tephra are a North East brutal deathcore band, we focus on a mix of atmosphere and intensity throughout our music and bring all our energy to our live shows. Our lyrics tend to revolve around mental and physical health and the consequences of them.

Who is your biggest inspiration?

Depending on which member of the band you ask it’ll be different tbh, for me personally my biggest inspiration is hayden from old wharf, as a friend and a musician seeing him go from strength to strength while going through what he has and putting those feelings into his music makes me want to keep striving and doing the same

How did you start making music?

I personally started making music by learning the drums at age 11, the school had a beaten up kit in a cupboard that I spent my dinner breaks building and teaching myself on

The band started out when Ryan (vocals) and Tom (Guitar) met up back in I think 2018 they both wanted to write something heavier than the current music they were making and would sit and jam out song ideas while searching for other members

What have the band been up to recently?

We’ve been busy gigging and writing tbh, playing shows around the country with the likes of Analepsys, Osiah, Necrotted, Street Soldier, Suffer and more. We also had the honour of playing Bloodstock 2022 by winning the Metal to the Masses

We also released an EP called Part 1- Longings with songs currently being mixed and even more being recorded for future releases next year

What is your earliest musical memory?

My earliest musical memory is getting a toy guitar at 4 or 5 years old and telling my parents I want to be a musician like guns and roses one day

What kind of people do you want to listen to your music? (fans of which artists)

To be honest with you were judt grateful for anyone who takes the time to support underground bands like ourselves but for specifics if you’re a fan of the likes of-

Thy art is murder, whitechapel, ingested, osiah, cattle decapitation you’ll probably vibe with what we do haha

What is the bands dream gig line up?

Our dream gig line up would probably be a naughty all dayer with the likes of thy art is murder, malevolence, osiah, old wharf, suffer, recall the Remains, morrows massacre. If I could fill a day with all our mates it’d be even better haha

Where do you see yourself in 2 years?

Hopefully doing exactly what we’re doing but on bigger stages and tours with our mates around the country

What have you got coming up in the future? (gigs and releases)

So we have 2 more gigs lined up for this year at the bunker in Sunderland on the 17th November and at the sanctuary in Burnley on the 16th December. We also plan on releasing our next Ep early next year and have some gigged planned we can’t wait to announce

Who is your favourite artist?

My favourite artist at the moment is NF, his songs got me through alot of hard times in my life and I can relate to alot of his words 

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